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Craft Happy

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Craft Happy

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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Craft Happy

I have recently realized (or been reminded, I can't remember if this is a new discovery or not) that a tendency, and often a weakness of mine is to treat my SAHM job as a free pass to gallivant out and about like a free bird ignoring any need for structure, routine or consistency. I'm not sure when I became so spontaneous but I really enjoy taking the girls out (be it the beach, mass & the park, Mimi's house or a series of errands) and returning just in time to whip something up for dinner minutes before daddy walks in the door from work. I think a large part is due to the fact that I did just that for a whole year, when daddy was oversees and I was a single mommy. I think another factor is that both girls are so flexible and easy to handle on the go. They have no problems or issues getting their necessary naps in the car, stroller, or on a blanket on the floor! I think yet another reason (this is where the weakness part comes in) is that sometimes I run away from my responsibilities and duties as a SAHM (that is, laundry, house cleaning, cooking, teaching & providing the structure the kids really count on). Anyway, I'm realizing more and more that there are wonderful perks to staying put.  Opportunities for:
-tickling and cuddling and rolling on the floor
-discovering and putting to use toys and supplies I never knew we owned
-longer naps
-overlapping naps which means well-rested, happy kids and quiet, down time for myself
-prayer, reading, blogging time
and well, less distractions from the outside world means we're forced to focus more on each other, interacting, using our imaginations and really getting to know my daughters on deeper levels. Besides, I have always loved crafts and baking which is not achievable if you're not home! 

Meet Mimi & Bapa:
(Other than curling the "hair" and making the bow and a few ideas about where to put some of the parts, Alizea made these completely solo!)
Funny story to go with this.... a few hours after making these, I saw her nearly gagging as she stuck out her tongue which was blue...When I saw the crafts just below her sticky fingers, I realized what had happened and after some questioning she admitted to plucking off & consuming the M&M eyes as well as the raisin eyelashes nearly gagging on the glue. Hey, at least she didn't enjoy the taste of the adhesive, right?)

(Another funny story, this time embarrassing mommy... I was so proud of myself for including Spicy in my baking activities and remembering she had a mitt she could use to help pull out the baked goods. As we both removed the hot dish from the oven she made a face of surprise and discomfort (as if it were too hot) but I shrugged it off, thinking she was being the animated, imaginative "drama queen" she is. Well, a few hours later, I looked down and saw this
In case you can't read it, it says "WARNING: Do not use this oven mitt to handle hot items. This oven mitt is a toy and is intended for pretend play only." Nice, momma, real nice!

Some other projects I've been working on:
This wall  has been bare for about 5 years (the same amount of time we've lived in this house). I finally settled on something I love and the best part is I was able to make it: it's a recycled frame with a coat of chalkboard paint and a hand-written verse that God gave me when I was feeling discouraged which I am now constantly reminded of when I walk past or through the room. 
And all of these were made with an 1/8 of a yard of fabric (less than $2!) 
The framed little mirror is on its 3rd color; the pail used to be neon green, a find in my garage sweep, and I had JUST enough fabric to make the matching toothbrush holder, woohoo!)

 But even better than all of this crafting is the carefree timelessness these 2 are sharing:

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