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Fall Festivities

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Fall Festivities

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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Fall Festivities

Today was packed with fun outings.
I was getting a little nervous we wouldn't make it to the pumpkin patch this year (heaven forbid!) with only a few days left in the week so as soon as I had control of the fam van and the weather cooperated, we took full advantage.
Ever wonder how a 3 yr old sits still for 10 minutes while sister gets fed? This is 1 way Spicy stays occupied...
Full Tummy = Happy heart!
And we're off! 
We started out by searching for the perfect pumpkins for all members of the family.
"I think I found them, mom!" 
(Oh how I love this shot of you, Spicy.)
And of course we had to get that silly but classic shot in those Photo-Op cut out boards...
Mimi and Ita met us which was such a super special treat! 
Ita with great-granddaughters, #6 & #8
Another posed shot (hey, it's not too often I get dressed up put on clothing other than sweats & a T-shirt and look half-way decent
And believe it or not, this is the best one we pulled off with my gals after 100 thousand many attempts.

Spicy spent most of the time enamored by the goats of all sizes, sheep, roosters, ducks and even a llama! It was so entertaining to watch her as she took control over feeding them, clinched little chubby fists, seeking out the patient ones sitting quietly and ignoring the beggars who would follow her around...
What a natural. 
It was so precious to see her act just as sweetly & tenderly with the livestock (pun intended) as she does taking care of her plastic and wood little toy barn animals. 
She was definitely in her element!
I wondered what her little mind was thinking a lot of the time all by herself with so many animals for over 30 minutes! 
My guess hope: "You need to be patient and ask politely. And don't forget to use your manners"
"Sorry, all gone little buddy"
(this little guy was stuck to her like glue)
Ita reminisced and shared little stories about her time on farm land in Mexico. 
I treasure those moments.
And just when I got ready to pose Sweets in the myriad of pumpkins, she decides it's nap time.
Perhaps, this is just as good :) 
 Spicy finished off our time there with some good 'ole John Deer maneuverin'
Part 2 of our day entailed a magic show and costume parade at the HB Central Library.
Meet Sweet Bee G
and (Spicy) Ballerina Fairy.
At one point during the show, the magician called onto stage all the Princesses (Ballerina Fairy? close enough.) and not that I'm biased but she had a pretty impressive costume compared to the rest...The coolest part about it? Daddy shipped this dress home for Spicy from Kuwait during his deployment well over a year ago. I completely forgot all about it as it was tucked away in the very back of the closet and even when I stumbled upon it, I was sure it wouldn't fit... but to my surprise, it did...perfectly!
Total (additional) cost of outfit = $1 (for the wings at the 99cent store). We had everything else already! Love it!
Spicy with Sheriff, Caleb J. 
Such a pathetic shot but definitely true to their interest level in being subjects of photo snapping at this age.
Petting Snowball, the bunny.
What a splendid day we had!!! 
Oh, and doesn't our pumpkin family looks so cozy on our new porch
 (I have always wanted a porch but after buying this house, never thought I would get one. 
Thanks Pops for making dreams come true!!! XOXO)

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At October 28, 2010 at 10:08 AM , Blogger Martita said...

What a great day! I loved looking at the photos of everyone in the pumpkin patch, especially the shots of Alizea with the precious! I love Genevieve's bangs too...did she get a haircut recently? And yes, your pumpkin family looks soooo perfect on your new front porch!!

At October 28, 2010 at 2:10 PM , Blogger Marisa said...

Thanks Teets - yeah, I took the ole scissors to her bangs (AGAIN!) Keeping the back long so now it REALLY looks like she has a mullet but I like to pull it up those cute pigtails ;) love you!

At October 28, 2010 at 6:47 PM , Blogger Carrie McCray said...

I too LOVE that pic of Spicy! And G looks SO cute with her pig tails and bangs...GREAT look on her! The pic of you and your two girls is gorgeous (even if A isnt QUITE looking at the camera). OH and it totally made me laugh when you said that A has to sit still for 10 minutes while G eats...Reminds me how B would nurse for like 45 minutes, never 10!! It will be SO weird if I have a girl next...

PS Hopefully you get to go back to the patch with Dean, I bet he was totally jealous when he saw how much fun you gals had = (

At November 2, 2010 at 7:53 PM , Blogger dad said...

I was truly sad that I missed this outing, as I so enjoy being a part of the girls' experiences. However, with these wonderful pics, I feel I was a part of it. Thank you so much for taking the time to snap them and post them so I could experience the moment in the next best way to being there. G's bumble bee costume is just adorable. She is soooooooooo cute. Love you, Dad


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