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A Suspenseful Week

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A Suspenseful Week

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Thursday, February 10, 2011

A Suspenseful Week

It's a good thing I've been busy with appointments of various kinds, along with my crafty little projects to help this week fly by because as of Monday, we had in our little hands the answer to TreSoto's gender in this envelope:
It's also a good thing the baker has had it in her possession since then because I think the temptation of opening it would have been unbearable!

It's interesting that with Spicy's pregnancy, I had no desire to find out the gender. In fact, I had no problems whatsoever waiting the 9 months even with many attempts (& temptations from nurse's in the family to hook me up with ultrasounds) to change my mind. With Sweets, I was on the fence and the curiosity of experiencing the 2nd half of the pregnancy a tad different was definitely present and nagging at me. But now, with TreSoto, it's a different story. I can't even imagine waiting any longer. I am SO incredibly excited to know ahead of time and to be 'prepared' so to speak both practically and emotionally. The idea of choosing 1 name ahead of time, talking to him/her by name for the remainder of the pregnancy, making headbands or blue and brown onesies with ties, customizing the nursery, etc etc is so incredibly exciting to me this time around.
I feel like a little kid on Christmas Eve and tomorrow just can't come fast enough.

In the meantime, I'm attempting to make our dinner reveal party as exciting as the delivery room, but much more, shall we say, cozy and comfortable?

Can you guess what this is going to be?
Yes, while I'm making yet another banner, and sewing pillow & cushion covers for our patio set, my helper bee is having a ball and doing a fabulous job applying a coat of chalkboard paint to transform an old frame into a decorative chalkboard where we will record everyone's guesses.
 (Note to self: keep a close eye or you will gasp in horror at finding black paint  covering chubby little hands and arms as well as the granite counter tops!) 

Lots of spray painting going on (Shhh, dont' tell my doctor) 
With of course a Valentine's/red, white & black theme.

Superdad is pitching in by installing and hooking up our new water fountain, painting patio columns and furniture and sealing the caps. Mimi has been a big help with food prep, ideas, and offering to watch the girls on Friday during my cleaning and set up time! 

It's PARTY time!!!

When I told Big D of my vision of transforming our patio into a welcoming, inviting, comfortable lounge-type/dining area complete with heating lamps, overhead lighting, dinner music and the trickling from the water feature to create just the right ambiance, he said "You're make this so exciting" and I said, "Because IT IS!!!!" 
 Whether it's a boy or a girl doesn't really matter to me, but rather the need to express my excitement to meet him/her and welcome him/her into my arms. That is why I have so much fun painting, tying silverware and cleaning toilets for guests...There is so much love behind it.
And one day, TreSoto, you will see the pictures of the party mommy threw for you months prior to your big arrival and hopefully feel special knowing my love for you began long before I even birthed you or saw you!

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At February 10, 2011 at 8:25 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

ahhh so awesome! I'm so excited for you guys and your party. SO FUN! :) Everything sounds perfect for him or her...

So sad I missed you yesterday. :(
I missed talking with you...

Maybe we will see you guys on Sunday?!

At February 11, 2011 at 12:32 PM , Blogger MadameFigue said...

Your enthusiasm is contagious! I can't wait to hear the gender although I secretly (or not so think it's a boy. Have a great party and if there is a birth date pool- I'm in! XOXO, Marie

At February 14, 2011 at 5:43 PM , Blogger dad said...

Responding to this post after the party, I can say that all this preparation created a "magical" evening, enjoyed and savored by all, especially me. Your giving to your loved ones, even the ones not yet amoung us, is an incredible testament to your unconditional and unselfish love, of which you have no limit!! Thanks for being an inspiration to me! Love you, Dad


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