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Master Bedroom Transformation

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Master Bedroom Transformation

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Friday, June 24, 2011

Master Bedroom Transformation

Even before getting pregnant with baby boy, I have been itching to make a change to our bedroom. We've had it the same way for about 5 years and for me, that is a couple years too long for anything in the house. Then with the addition of some pregnancy hormones, things were irritating me like never before. The flat paint sheen I had chosen, the 2 inch thick cobwebs and dust behind our bed that I dont think know we've never cleaned, the arrangement of the room, and the overall feel. It was dark and I was craving some light colors, an airy feel, especially after searching around blog-land and finding some amazing inspiring DIY transformations. Of course I couldn't locate my good before picture of our bedroom (Grrrr) so I'll just have to embarrass our model a bit with the only pictures I could find. 
(Just in case you're wondering, we are prepping the room for daddy's weekend home from a 2 week deployment training before leaving for his 13 month tour.) 
Um, yes those would be lit torches! And no, we didn't need to use them for very long before things got really hot (wink wink)
 Anyway, our duvet cover was stained from bloody noses and the result of sick babies. We never had a decent set of drapes (hey, at least I got a rod hung, ha). 
And well, yes, I am 9 months pregnant but it's now or possibly never and instead of edible cravings latetly, I have been obsessing on house projects.  
Mission at hand: a neutral, bright, crisp, & clean resting place for both baby and mama.
So like I mentioned, after searching blog-o-land here and there for some ideas for cool master bedrooms (dangerous, I tell you) and feeling totally depressed that I didn't have the budget or time to do what I was seeing, I figured at a minimum, we could try moving the furniture around. So we shifted the bed and dresser in the only other possible configuration and I absolutely loved it! I couldn't believe we never thought of this before and wondered why the heck we hadn't tried it before.
 Then, it dawned on me. I had paint leftover that was very close to the color I would have chosen for our bedroom (just a bit lighter) from one of the many colors I chose for our living room, dining room and office but changed my mind after we had bought the 5 gallons worth (oops)  Score. I was soooo excited! So to painting I went...
Not a dime spent (this time at least) and it changed the whole look of the room which was the most important thing to me! 
So, this was my inspiration starting point for our room: (Thank you, Nesting Place)
And this is where we're at today:

 Our sleigh style bed frame is very similar to hers (especially before she painted it white) and oh, how I wanted to have the ability to paint ours but that was just one too many projects to add to my already too long list considering I am relying on dad's help and I could go into labor any day...
I tried the white panels but they didn't look as good as the tan for some reason. We still need our lamps which I ordered and will arrive in about a month and a perfect little accent chair by Pottery Barn that I picked up from none other than Craigs List sitting in our garage that needs some paint and a fun pillow but at least the hardest most labor intensive part is done.

Next will be figuring out what to do on the walls. 

I really like the sconce wall she did here (& already have a couple to start with along with the sea-life from our previous beach themed room) 
and  for this wall...
...I'm thinking a personal romantic picture/memorabilia gallery with wedding pictures, love notes and memorable things we've collected on our journey as boyfriend/girlfriend to husband/wife to mother/father
Great inspiration here at Dwellings by Devore.
I stumbled across the blog above of an amazingly talented designer and I also got encouraged to add some color for the 'pop factor' with pillows and accessories like she did here.
(& that's our ceiling fan which looks so much better painted black)
 Easy to do (well, minus the nightstands) and such a dramatic effect. The hard part for me will be choosing that one color and the fabric (for pillows & those wall art pieces).  Another option for that short wall of mine is something like this:
A mirror and just a few, large pieces & bringing in that accent color like so.
Hmmm, decisions, decisions.

I'm hoping (as long as baby boy stay nice & cozy until his due date) to have the room totally completed by this weekend! We shall see...

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At June 28, 2011 at 7:33 PM , Blogger Carrie McCray said...

wow im impressed. 2 kids. super duper preggo. how do you do this AND make it look so good??

At August 1, 2011 at 5:25 PM , Blogger dad said...

Marisa, I was so impressed with the quality of the paint job you performed on the bedroom, to say nothing of the mere accomplishment of such a feat considering the 1,000 other things going on in your life simultaneously. You are absolutely amazing.


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