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Mother's Day 2010

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Mother's Day 2010

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Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day 2010

The honoring and appreciating actually began on Friday when I received flowers hand delivered at home. Dean threw me off because I didn't think they could or would be from him considering he could hand deliver them himself on Mother's Day! Initially, I thought it was silly that he went through the effort (& extra money) to ship them to our home 2 days early but when he explained that he really wanted me to be completely surprised & receive them during the weekday doing what he appreciates most:  me, hard at work at taking care of the girls & our home, the silliness turned very romantic ;) Anyway, here is what kicked the day off (by request - I actually stopped him mid breakfast-making because I was craving a cream-filled chocolate glazed doughnut. He got off too easy, huh?)

Dean took the girls out front so I could eat, sip, think and get ready in total peace (a HUGE treat words can't even describe..almost as good as that doughnut)  

Since we went to mass on Saturday night, we were able to head to Mimi & Bapa's early to maximize the beautiful beach-weather day. 

My 2 jewels who stretch me, challenge me and make being a mommy my greatest passion and reward...

With my beautiful role models and best friends:

Alizea adores her Ito (great Gpa) and I'm pretty sure the feeling is mutual...

Time for some pool action. Get us going A...How's the water, hun?

Daddy joins his baby

...And mommy...

Am I in Hawaii? Sure looks like it 

Alizea's new water ride

Okay, now for this next pic you'll want to put on some, really, this isn't a joke....SERIOUSLY, get up right now and grab. your. sunglasses.!!

So I need to work on my tan?!  Gotta start somewhere. (the truth is I haven't had time to grab that one-piece I mentioned) But boy was I relaxed!

Miran spoiled us, waiting on us hand and foot and brought beautiful flowers for everyone (along with some amazing dark chocolate!) I love my baby sis!

This girl definitely knows how to chill

Some more highlights (there were just so many)

My secret sewing project revealed: My 1st apron and mom was extremely impressed! Success! 

 A close-up for the 'scrapbook' of projects:

Not pictured: Dad leading a beautiful prayer before a scrumptious meal catered by Newport Rib Co., Aunt Kathy playing with Alizea so adorably & teaching her new songs to encourage potty training, Uncle Guy, Dad and Dean chattin it up, Matt & Jay comparing their ever changing height yet again (those boys seriously don't stop growing), Alizea bravely going down the water slide for the 1st time, Andrew blowing out his 15 birthday candles & a sleeping baby who napped for 4+ hours! A day filled with many memories, plenty of laughter and some tears of joy! An extremely blessed day, feeling overwhelmed with love.

A mother is the most important person on earth. She cannot claim the honor of having built Notre Dame Cathedral. She need not. She has built something more magnificent than any Cathedral -- a dwelling for an immortal soul, the tiny perfection of her baby's body. 
-- Joseph Cardinal Mindszenty

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At May 11, 2010 at 10:00 AM , Blogger Martita said...

Happy Mother's Day! I'm very impressed with the apron you sewed! Such cute fabrics and shape! Sounds like a wonderful day together - I'm so glad everyone got to enjoy each other's company in the beautiful backyard resort. And yes, it does look like you are in Hawaii :)

At May 11, 2010 at 2:43 PM , Blogger Carrie McCray said...

Yeah, that apron is IMPRESSIVE! Good surprise! And secondly, WHY would you get a one piece? You look GOOD in that bikini, girl!

At May 19, 2010 at 9:04 PM , Blogger dad said...

Marisa, "Thanks so much for all your efforts in making Mother's Day so special for everyone. I loved seeing you, Dean and Alizea swimming and having some good family time together. Thanks so much for all the pictures which allow me to relive the wonderful day. Your diligence and thoughtfulness shines through again!!! Love you, Dad


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