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It's A.....nother GIRL!!!!!

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It's A.....nother GIRL!!!!!

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Saturday, January 9, 2010

It's A.....nother GIRL!!!!!

Meet Genevieve Miranda Soto

Born: Sat., January 9th, 2010 3:30pm
Weight: 8 lbs.,7 oz.
Length: 21 inches

The Birth Story:
Thursday night, I got a call from 1 of Dr Linzey’s nurses asking if I would like to move my scheduled induction from Sunday am to Sat am. After much thought and discussion with my wise counselor (aka, mom) I conclude that IF I’m going to be “selfish” (in my mind) once, it’s going to be over my birth”plan” experience! As much as I am grateful to the incredible Dr I have (Dr Linzey for future reference when I'm 80 and can’t remember his name!), making his schedule a little more convenient just couldn’t convince me this time around.
Friday – Ita, mom & I go to my appt at the “maternal fetal testing” floor to have the “gel” applied to my cervix and contractions monitored for 2 ish hrs. Imeediately after application I feel regular contractions. I begin to get excited, hopeful and a little nervous that it is possible I could not go home without a baby (as the nurse said it is common for your body to go into labor soon after). I peppered the nurse with questions on how I will know I’m in labor (different from the regular, very uncomfortable contractions I felt there). I asked her how she knew I wasn’t in early labor….she said “because you’re still smiling”  She said you won’t be able to smile or laugh anymore, or eat, or walk while you are talking. At the time I thought that was such a strange, foreign concept but now looking back, she couldn’t have described it better! We stop at BJs, my all-time fav pizza place and then to Joanne’s . I continue having strong contractions & remember being very crampy and uncomfortable, some that make me stop dead in my tracks but they are beginning to spread out in timing. My mom & Ita leave just before 11pm. I slept from 11pm-4am.
Sat – 4am, I am awakened by a “pop” sound, an audible, loud “POP!” Immediately I thought my “water” broke but it was actually the mucus plug. I try to go back to sleep but I’m not sure I did. 6am – contractions begin. They are regular, VERY regular, I still didn’t think I was in labor (especially because the gel takes 24 hrs to take full effect so I thought it was still producing the contractions) however, my body must’ve known because the only thing that sounded good was a hot shower (which was very relaxing even amidst having to stop moving and hold on to the wall a few times as I breathed thru the pain). 6:30, I begin to check my phone each time I have a contraction curious as to how close they are (I was thinking about 10 minutes apart) To my surprise, they are every 5 minutes on the dot! 7:30, I call my mom & give her the rundown of the previous 8 hrs. I told her I still wasn’t sure it was real labor and that I would like to wait another hour or so before we do anything. She said “no, this is the read deal” (or something like that) and instructed me to wake up Dean because she & Ita were coming to pick up Alizea and we needed to go to the hospital. WHAT? REALLY??? COULD IT BE?!?! Here we Go! I am emotional – tears of excitement, joy, TERROR well up! The gel, it worked! Better than expected! It prepared my cervix alright, just enough to “jumpstart” my body into labor (just like a car!) Thank GOD mom initiated that decision because by 8:15 when she & Ita arrived, I was more than ready to go in hopes of getting some comfort, attention, anything!  Drive to hospital: Dean & I time them, they are 3-5 minutes apart, some strong enough to produce tears, others, strong enough to make me repeat the same word over and over (a word I never wish my children to say …) and I ask Dean in the brief time in between when I can actually talk, “why do you feel better when you cuss?” to which he replied “I don’t know but you do!” 

8:45 – we arrive to the hospital. while waiting for someone to escort us upstairs, I’m forced to grab, squeeze, lean TIGHTLY on Dean while clinching my face and closing my eyes during contractions. In between, I see a woman in the sitting area and I feel like I can read her thoughts as she looks at me with very sympathetic, caring eyes as if she had been in my shoes and would never ever forget the feeling. By 9:15 paperwork is signed, I’m being wheeled to my laboring room, nurse is giving her introductory shpeel and asking the protocol questions. I remember her saying something about having “cussable contractions” to which we laughed  and told her about the car ride. She said “yup, you’re in labor alright”. I was so excited! (remember, this is the first time, I am experiencing spontaneous, medicated-free labor! Ellen was FABULOUS! She was an absolute angel, literally a gift from God and the best nurse I could dream up! She checked me soon after. I remember telling her I was told my cervix was high and tilted thinking I was being helpful and that she would have a hard time checking my status. But she chuckled as if there were no problems getting to the opening and it felt very different. To my very pleasant surprise, she announces that I’m at 5 cm dilated and 90% effaced! WOOHOO! I remember being both SO excited and terrified at the same time! Here we go, like it or not! She asks how my pain level is and I say about an ‘8’. I make it known after she threw it out there a few times prior (without any pressure whatsoever) that I am definitely interested and ready for the “epi”. Close to an hour later, after much poking and prodding, I was completely comfortable. Ahhhh, RE-LIEF! What a wonderful thing! Within an hour I am texting everyone in my phonebook (which is why my cell phone bill was outrageous) and giving Dean permission to do whatever he wants (sleep, eat, even use his phone – an area of heated debate when planning our birth experience, etc) The next few hrs involves picture taking, monitoring, chatting w/ Ellen about her Catholic upbringing, her openness to life & a big family (she had 5 boys), her family’s connection to Bishop Jaime Soto, and she shares something very personal that Jan 9th was the anniversary of her brother’s death (he drowned as a little boy in the neighbor's pool) We both agree he’s my birthing “angel” cheering me on with prayers as he dines with our Lord. The next time I am checked, cervix is to 9cm! Miranda and Jenny stop in to chat and help the time pass. Gigi and Aunt Laurie too! 2 hrs later, I haven’t made much progress and I begin to get nervous fearing that I came all this way and may end up having to have a c-section. Ellen says just the right things to encourage me and bring me back to my place of peace J Dr Linzey directs her to give me some pittosin to help get me the rest of the way! At 2:30ish, Tita pops in to say she has arrived!!! At the same time, Dr Linzey comes in and this time he says he’s not leaving! I remember telling Tita “see you in a little bit WITH a baby!!!” It was soooo comforting knowing she was here, present, anxiously and excitedly waiting and praying and so intimately involved in sharing this big event in my life with me! Dr Linzey checked me one final time and announces “Let’s meet this baby!” with much excitement.  He asks if I’m ready to push, Ellen feels my stomach and when it tightens she coaches me thru each push. 7 contractions & 15 minutes later, Dr Linzey lifts up the bottom of our baby….It’s another GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What an incredible moment. No less serele & beautiful and “heaven-like” than the 1st! Dean is so excited to rush out to the waiting room & tell everyone like a proud poppa but Dr Linzey stops him and tells him to wait for the “stats” knowing they will ask ….we laugh, cry, sit in awe at our beautiful, healthy baby Genevieve with a FULL head of thick, dark hair!

A mother is the most important person on earth. She cannot claim the honor of having built Notre Dame Cathedral. She need not. She has built something more magnificent than any Cathedral -- a dwelling for an immortal soul, the tiny perfection of her baby's body. -- Joseph Cardinal Mindszenty

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