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My tribute to Karyn

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My tribute to Karyn

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Monday, May 24, 2010

My tribute to Karyn

 One of the things I loooove about living where we do is being a 3 minute drive/5 mile jog to my BFF Karyn's house.  Even if we go weeks (shame on us!) without seeing each other, just knowing she is so close is comfort enough. It's hard to believe that this picture was taken just under 5 years ago! So many things have come to pass since then: home purchases, trips, babies, separations, loss, masters degree, more trips to faraway lands, more babies and lots of sharing in each others daily joys and struggles. 
When I look at your face, I see beauty. Interior beauty as well as exterior. I see a maturity and wisdom that is hard to describe. I see honesty (even when it hurts to hear), thoughtfulness at the deepest level, selflessness. I see a listener, a teacher, a nurturer, a big heart. And I see a witty sense of humor that is sure to make me laugh no matter what my mood or how bad things seem to be! 
I see a blessing that I never want to take for granted.

Some friends bring ruin on us, but a true friend is more loyal than a brother.
-- Proverbs 18:24

I must express my incredible gratitude for this wonderful jewel in my life for my future generations, although my children will experience it firsthand (& brag about her a bit). She has been such a tremendous support in my life, ironically, especially after I got married and had kids (which to me, shows her incredible maturity).  As a mother, there is no greater joy than sharing my love of my children with those closest to me. I just love how from the very beginning she has created a special bond with Alizea (& now Genevieve), apart from our friendship.
 I feel like she knows her so well. And it's no wonder why...

(reading to Alizea from her X-mas present "If you Give a Mouse a Cookie"- one of her FAV's now/2 yrs later)

 One of things that stands out in my mind is her presence and support during Dean and my time apart. Her words of comfort, encouragement and wisdom always came at the most perfect time and were an answer to prayer and shot to my heart like an arrow  at any and all times of the day or night. (what would we do without "ping"?) God definitely used her to help me through such a challenging time. And her physical presence never failed.

Memorial Day '08 @ the mall

Auntie Karyn's Birthday Party: Sept '08

Spicy A's 2nd Birthday Party  @ Chuck E Cheese's, July '09:

 I've said it before but this is perhaps the most unselfish, thoughtful person I know. This morning she arrived at my house around 9:30 with a latte in hand for me, whisked Alizea away so I could have a few hours of special time with Genevieve, run errands, rest, etc etc. This is not out of the ordinary for Karyn to do, but I am always taken back by her thoughtful, giving heart. She always has me in mind. Yes, she enjoys being with Alizea (& is so incredible with kids) and who wouldn't? I mean, she is pretty darn adorable but she is always looking for opportunities to help me out, give me a break, spend time with the girls, give our relationship the time it deserves, etc. etc.  Sooo, she continued to develop her bond with spicy A at the park (amongst other fun outings) today:

 Oh and did I mention that this was after getting up at 4:45am, flying in from SF less than 2 hours prior on her day off that she only gets once every two weeks after working 9 hour days and commuting at least 2 hours every day?!? You catch my drift?!? And the girl is not lacking in the friend category. I've never known anyone with so many close relationships (although it doesn't surprise me one bit!)

 I must document for the record that when I arrived to pick up Alizea, the second she heard my voice, (before she even saw my face) she began yelling "noooo!". I wasn't sure whether to laugh or cry! She was so afraid her special time with Auntie Karyn was coming to a premature end. These 2 most definitely have a special bond!

Anyway, miss Karyn, whenever you get around to reading this, know that I appreciate you from the depths of my heart. Thank you for being such an angel to me. I LOVE you! (oh and we need some recent pictures of us!)

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At May 25, 2010 at 7:50 PM , Blogger Carrie McCray said...

Aw, that was really sweet. She is lucky to have you too!


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