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You Don't Say!

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You Don't Say!

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Thursday, August 5, 2010

You Don't Say!

By 8:30 this morning, I had

-slept 10 hours
- made Dean's lunch
-made our bed (which rarely happens)
-brushed my teeth, gotten dressed and had my (1st) cup of coffee  
(all which rarely happen before noon)
-put a load of laundry to wash
-chatted with Dad upon his arrival

By 9:30, I had
-breastfed baby #2
-made (to include cutting up 5 different fruit types) & eaten (as is chewed and absolutely enjoyed every bite, as opposed to inhaling) my gourmet breakfast:
-cleaned the kitchen
-picked up the living room
-folded a load of laundry

 By 11:00am, I had
-ran an errand over 35 miles round-trip,
-had a small photo shoot
-exercised and stretched

and By 1pm, I had
-painted the house (ok just the hallway)
but such was my day...I wondered how I was able to get so much done and wasn't sure what to do with this rested, refreshed self?!?!?!?!?!

Oh, did I forget to mention Spicy was at Mimi's house enjoying a special day together after spending the night?
  ;) ;)

So I realized something today after fighting an internal battle all day long of taking such pleasure in this superficial and false sense of productivity, freedom, control and confidence (and the guilt that came with that feeling of enjoyment...)
Alizea (& both of my children, for that matter) challenges the very core of my being. Being their mother and taking care of them 24/7 is a constant mirror in my face and to my soul of my weaknesses and wretchedness and my need for His mercy. I have already written how humbling it is fulfilling my motherly vocation. Humbling, not only in the ways of feeling so thankful, grateful and undeserving of such precious, perfect gifts from Heaven but also humbling, as in, getting on my knees (figuratively) several times a day, realizing my weaknesses, my limitations, my wretchedness, repenting for my selfishness, my complaining, my lack of patience and love, for ignoring his commandments and asking for forgiveness and for assistance.  
In His ironic sense of humor, I can just envision God smiling and can hear him joking with me all too often, "Who's the baby, the whiny toddler now???" 

I understood today, in my day of respite, a deeper and extremely practical meaning of the following:
"If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. 
Matt 16:24

How I love my children (& hubby for that matter) for giving me so many opportunities to practice and try and struggle at this daily. 

Ok, so here is the fun I had with my special time with Genevieve today. 
Who said a chic can't do construction? No wimpy girls live here!
Her 1st taste of some good 'ole cement! A little roughage for those clogged bowels
Bapa was so proud of his little helper:
In the evening we went to HB for a bonfire with Bapa's mens group and their families. It was so neat and special to finally meet these men, to put faces and personalities with the stories I had heard from Dad. To be able to give a thankful hug and smile to the men, the friends, the wonderful influences in my dad's life who have encouraged him in his spiritual journey, in seeking the truth, in becoming more holy. Individually, these guys may not think they are too special but together, united in prayer and faith, The Lord sure is doing amazing things in and through each and every one of them! What a truly special group of holy Catholic men!
From left to right: Mark, John, Mike, Chuck, Phil, Gabe, Al

This is Anessa and Lilianna. 2 of Andrea and Phil's 5 beautiful children. I was so impressed by these kids, their maturity and how much they loved baby G.
Having fun with Sweets
Meanwhile, Spicy and Daddy were off to build castles in the sand!

And then, it was time for

What a wonderful, beautiful, insightful day! 

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At August 9, 2010 at 12:15 PM , Blogger Carrie McCray said...

Wow, busy busy busy day!

At August 11, 2010 at 8:30 PM , Blogger dad said...

Thank you soooooooo much for these awesome pictures. Your pictures always bring to mind such good memories and they allow me to create new images of things I wasn't part of but feel part of as a result of the pictures. I love the one with G looking up to her grandpa with a hammer in her hand and the ones in the wheelbarrow are adorable. The afternoon/evening at the beach was indeed a delightful experience and I was so happy that you got to meet the awesome men who have such a positive influence on my life.
Your reflections on life are so insightful and filled with perspective and wisdom. I respect and admire you so much and marvel and learn from your writings and the way you conduct your life. It has been such a pleasure to witness your handling of each day's challenges as I've worked on your house this summer. I can see what an outstanding person you are in the way you handle all the little things that can cumulatively wear us down. How neat for a parent to learn from a child and believe me, I learn lots about patience, unconditional love, consideration and giving as I watch you exhibit those things in all your interactions with your kids, husband and family. Thank YOU!!! Dad


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